Protecting Your Data Is A Priority
Posted On: 06/17/2019
It seems like barely a week goes by without another data breach at a well-known company in the headlines. Uber, Marriott and Equifax are just a few of the targets hit hard by hackers. Cybersecurity is no longer just one of the tasks assigned to the IT department. The severity of the threat means every business better have a cybersecurity plan in place to protect their customers’ data.
At WSL, we’ve spent the past three years implementing steps to maximize the protection of our clients’ data, both personal and professional.
First, we no longer process credit card transactions in our Chicago limousines or luxury vehicles. Instead we switched to a service from Green Pay. Now, all important credit card information is stored, encrypted and processed on our secure in-house servers.
Second, our website where many online reservations are book, is secured with ID, password validation and encrypted module authentication.
Third, we back up all data nightly, weekly and monthly to retain critical data. And, because no one can predict when a fire, flood, theft or vandalism will strike, we also back-up data through SafetyNet as part of our disaster recovery plan. SafetyNet uploads critical files to a safe, remote server. If a disruption occurs at our facility, the restoration process can be activated immediately. Within minutes, our staff can resume normal reservation, dispatching, accounting and reporting activities. Between our on-site and remote back-up tools, it is nearly impossible to knock us off track. A few years back, our office was hit by a microburst/EF0 tornado, which lifted part of our roof off the building, but our business didn't miss a beat.
Lastly, as an additional level of protection, to protect our computers internally from hackers and other bad internet actors, WSL is upgrading to a Viper antivirus program. Viper is considered the best protection program for businesses. The update takes place over the coming weeks.
We know you expect professional, safe private transportation when you book with WSL. We hope it also give you peace of mind that we put the same effort into making sure your data is protected as well.
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