Dealing with the Coronavirus Risk When Traveling
Posted On: 03/09/2020
News about the worldwide spread of the coronavirus has people making preparations for possible disruptions to their lives. At WSL, we’re monitoring the situation very closely and will make adjustments as needed.
Our current operating procedures are already in line with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We take great pride in providing our clients well-maintained, clean luxury vehicles for their private transportation needs. After every ride, drivers wipe down inside of the vehicle in preparation for the next client. We also ask our drivers to continue to be vigilant about washing their hands and not work if they feel ill.
Health Guidelines from the CDC
People are continuing to travel both for business and personal reasons. Here are some commonsense tips from the CDC to keep in mind when you’re on the road.
- Monitor travel restrictions – the CDC maintains a website with risk assessment levels for travelers. Current countries that the CDC recommends people avoid for nonessential travel include China, Iran, South Korea and Italy. The organization also suggests older adults or those who have chronic medical conditions should postpone travel to Japan.
- Clean your hands often – throughout the day, you should carefully wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol.
- Don’t touch your face – keep your hands away from your face to avoid introducing germs to your mouth, nose and eyes.
- Limit touching surface in public areas – this step is difficult but try to limit the number of surfaces you touch when moving through public areas. Keep a supply of tissues handy to use as a barrier between your hands and surfaces you must touch, such as elevator buttons and handrails.
- Learn about your employer’s emergency operations plan – get up-to-speed on your employer’s guidelines for what to do if you become sick while traveling or are delayed in returning home because of government restrictions.
- Ditch the facemasks – the CDC does not recommend using a facemask to prevent yourself from respiratory diseases, including the coronavirus.
- Don’t travel if you don’t feel well – stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading germs to other travelers.
It’s important to prepare for the impact of the coronavirus not only because we might feel at risk personally, but also so we can lessen the risk for others.
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