5 Common Mistakes You’re Likely Making at the Airport During the Holidays
Posted On: 11/12/2018
Do you have travel plans booked for the upcoming holidays that involve a trip to O’Hare or Midway? Check out the list below to see if you’re making one or more of the five common mistakes that can turn what’s supposed to be a joyful trek into a stress-filled slog full of lines, delays and costly expenditures.
Checking-In at the Airport
In the age of digital everything, a surprising number of people still wait until they get to the airport to check-in at an airline’s desk or a kiosk, often waiting in line for a turn. Save time and hassle by checking in for your flight from a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Depending on the airline, you’ll likely be able to select or change your seat assignment.
Picking the Wrong Transport to the Airport
No one wants to miss their flight, yet many are risking not getting to the airport on time by selecting the wrong transportation to get them to the airport. Lyft and Uber drivers are not professional chauffeurs and don’t always keep up on changes to traffic patterns and construction delays or know the tricks to get around rush hour jams. The better bet is to reserve a private car service that employs drivers who make multiple trips to O’Hare and Midway every day.
Always Using Carry-On luggage
Why lug around a heavy suitcase when some airlines let you check it for free (Southwest lets you check two bags at no cost) or for a small fee (Delta and American charge $25 for the first bag). You’ll be able to move more nimbly through security and around the terminal. Checking bags is especially convenient when you need to transfer quickly between connecting flights.
Purchase Snacks at the Airport
The laws of economics are clearly on display at the airport: high demand and a captive audience lead to very high prices. Save money and bring some snacks from home. As long as the snacks aren’t liquid, they should be safe to bring through security. Keep snacks separate and accessible because TSA officers may instruct you to pull food item out of your carry on before it goes through the X-ray machine.
Taking a Taxi to Your Final Destination
City cabs are notoriously expensive modes of transportation for transport from the airport. Plus, they are often dirty and, let’s be honest, smelly. Instead, skip the line and travel in style and comfort at a set price by planning ahead and reserving a private car service.
Avoid these five mistakes and you’ll arrive at your holiday celebration relaxed and fresh.
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